Stay tuned here to the latest alerts from your water utility.
We will be working toward adding the ability for you to Subscribe to have News & Notices, and Alerts delivered via email or text!
Just another way we are working to better serve our community.
We will also work toward adding the ability to automatically notify you by phone, text message or email when outages occur or of Boil Water Alerts and Alert Cancellations.
Boil Order Alerts will be Broadcast exclusively to our customers.
Please contact our office and confirm we have a current phone number, email and texting information on file as your primary contact number to receive these important messages.
Understand, this IS NOT something we are currently setup to do, however, we are working toward adding this as a convenience in the near future to better serve our customers.
Newsletter - June 2022
Reminders - Basic information on Summer
As Summer Begins
Summer's rising temperatures often coincide with rising outdoor water use, primarily due to an increase in lawn and landscape watering. Please use your water wisely it can make a big difference for community water supplies—and your water bill.
Now is the season of planting flowers, trees and shrubs. Please remember that the District has an easement of 15 feet on each side of the water line. Please do not plant or build fences within the easement. Should there be a line break any obstacles in the way will be removed to repair the line. The District is not responsible for replacing anything removed.
Update Your Information
Please call the office or make a note on the return portion of your statement with your current phone number, cell phone number and email address. This is how we will notify you of line outages and breaks.